Thermal baths in Albania

Albania is blessed with all the treasures that nature can offer. High and graceful cliffs, beautiful rivers full of beauty, magnificent coastline and everything else that nature with its generosity gives to mankind. In this respect, Albania is even richer than many countries around it in the Balkans, but even farther in Europe. They are fantastic springs of thermal waters, completely natural and rich in innumerable healing properties for any disease. A golden opportunity for health tourism, with tremendous curative potential and, above all, foreign tourists. A term, still unknown to Albanians, although it is the best way to maintain a healthy body, to cure different health problems and to enjoy the beauties that nature has given our country as well. Rich in sulfates and minerals, they have curative effects on rheumatism, skin and nervous system.

Elbasan baths

Elbasan wetlands are among the most popular in the country. This is because it is one of the only centers that has used thermal waters near it for decades where health tourism is being developed properly. Elbasan sands are well-known and used springs from the Roman period.Elbasan liquids contain very hot sulfur waters, which are formed at a depth of about 13000 meters from the earth's surface, at high pressures and temperatures, as a result of the fusion of oxygen with hydrogen and other chemicals. Driven by high pressure of gases, they come to the surface through rock cracks. The analyzes of the waters of these springs have been carried out in a specialized manner by Czech engineers, who have identified high therapeutic values. It treats numerous diseases of the respiratory tract, nervous system, skin, stomach, etc. Elbasan liquors also have cosmetic value.

Open Baths of Permet

Specialists consider them the best in Europe. The thermal water springs of Benja, or as the Baths of Benja are called, are located 14 kilometers from the southern town of Permet in the municipality of Petran, only 3 kilometers from the place where the Vjosa River joins the stream of Lengarica. Their specialty is that these are open source in nature.The temperature of these waters is, 26 - 32 ° C.Four sources used for chronic rheumatoid arthritis, a source for gastric disease and a source for skin diseases.One of the sources is also used to treat stomach ailments and the other for skin treatments. Other treatments are for chronic remautism diseases.The water temperature varies from 26 to 32 ° C.Sulfur-based waters have very high curative effects.

Leskovik Thermal Waters

Otherwise known as Vronomeros sources. Located 10 kilometers south of the small town of Leskovik. They are thermal sources rich in various salts, which treat several types of diseases.The water temperature is from 29 - 40 ° C. A center has also been set up here that offers accommodation, medical assistance and hotel services.

Peshkopi thermal waters

These lichens originate from the gypsum formations of Mount Korabi.There are two sources of sulfur with a temperature of 35 - 43.5 ° C and a flow rate of 14 liters per second. They contain potassium and sulfates.Their effects are fantastic related to respiratory diseases: such as bronchial asthma, bronchitis, reamautism, diabetes, skin diseases and gynecological problems.

Bilaj Thermal Resources

These springs are found on the national road Vora Fushe Kruja in the village of Bilaj, near the Gjola bridge.They are the sources closest to Tirana. The sources of these thermal waters emanate from the Ishmi valley deposits.These sources are rich in minerals such as calcium, salts, potassium, iron, magnesium, etc. The water temperature is 55 degrees Celsius.These waters can cure problems of remautism, skin and nervous system.The best period for attendance is related to their location.The two most recommended seasons are spring and autumn, but winter and summer are not excluded. The latter is less recommended due to rising temperatures.Since the diseases that are subject to this type of treatment are prescribed, you should consult your doctor about which bed to attend. After learning all about the benefits of body, health and spiritual well-being, it is time to consider health tourism and utilize the endless resources of our country's thermal waters. Albania offer also a lot of SPA structures in the main cities like Tirana , Durres, Vlore, Sarande ect.